We take a holistic end-to-end product quality approach with the systems under test, which means both analysis of characteristics of the product, but also the underlying software capabilities and reliability.
We will use a four-layer evaluation model incorporating our accreditation (ISO 17065) – then a software and systems engineering product quality model (ISO 25010) – age assurance systems framework standards (ISO 27566) – and online age assurance implementation standards (IEEE 2089.1). For the underlying software, we apply ISO/IEC 29119 software testing design, procedures and reporting to feed into our ISO/IEC 25010 product quality evaluation. Testing will involve a combination of automated functional and non-functional tests, manual usability and acceptance tests, manual functional tests and static reviews.
The trial requires adherence to applicable legal frameworks such as the Privacy Act 1988, Digital ID Act 2024 (and draft Accreditation Rules and Data Standards), human rights and anti-discrimination legislation, and the ASD Information Security Manual. Privacy Impact Assessments will be undertaken for each Evaluation Activity. All participants will receive information in comprehensible language about how their data will be collected, processed, and destroyed, and will be provided with a single point of contact in case they have any questions, concerns, or would like to withdraw their participation in the Trial.
Yes, we are interested to hear from schools or other organisations who can help us recruit people of all ages and backgrounds to test the different age assurance methods being reviewed in the trial. For schools, we will aim to make it an educationally valuable experience, improving understanding around online safety, data security, artificial intelligence and the other technologies involved in age assurance. Schools or other organisations wishing to be involved in the Trial must agree to follow the Trial’s child safeguarding policy, informed by the Australian Government’s National Principles for Child Safe Organsiations.
Please use the Contact Us form to get in touch if you are interested in learning more.