age analysis | correlation of behavioural and biological characteristics of humans that vary with age |
age assurance | set of processes and methods used to verify, estimate or infer the age or age range of an individual, enabling organizations to make age-related eligibility decisions with varying degrees of certainty |
age assurance component | part of an age assurance system |
age assurance method | method used to establish an age assurance result to varying degrees of certainty |
age assurance provider | entity responsible for providing age assurance results to a relying party |
age assurance result | information produced by an age assurance system indicating that an individual is a certain age, over or under a certain age or within an age range |
age assurance system | system that utilizes age assurance methods to provide an age assurance result |
age estimation method | age assurance method based on analysis of biological or behavioural features of humans that vary with age |
age inference method | age assurance method based on verified information which indirectly implies that an individual is over or under a certain age or within an age range |
age-related eligibility | qualification for access to goods, content, services, venues or spaces based on an age limit or an age band |
age-related eligibility decision | action by a relying party to determine access to goods, content, services, venues or spaces based on an age limit or an age band |
age-related eligibility requirement | policy requirement for access to goods, content, services, venues or spaces based on an age limit or an age band |
attack vector | path or means by which one or more persons attempt to circumvent the age assurance system in order to obtain a malicious outcome |
audit log | chronological sequence of audit records, each of which contains data about a specific event |
authentication | provision of assurance that a claimed characteristic of an entity is correct |
authoritative party | entity that is recognized to have the right to create and manage a record that contains a set of attributes that allows an individual to be uniquely identified within a given context |
authoritative source | repository which is recognized as being an accurate and up-to-date source of information |
binding | property that relates an age assurance result to the correct individual |
classification accuracy | percentage of the number of correct age assurance results to the total number of age assurance results |
configuration management | an activity of managing the configuration of an information system throughout its life cycle |
contraindicator | information that calls into question or otherwise indicates that either an age assurance result may not be correct or that the binding of the age assurance result to the right individual may not be correct or both |
decision maker | organization or person responsible for making an age-related eligibility decision |
degree of certainty | extent to which it is possible to be confident that a given fact is true |
digital footprint | information about an individual that exists on the internet as a result of their online activity |
evidence | information supporting the occurrence of an event or action |
fail safe | property of an age assurance system that fails towards a safe age assurance result |
false negative (FN) | incorrect measured value in negative results, that is, the case where the measured value is negative but the correct one is positive |
false positive (FP) | incorrect measured value in positive results, that is, the case where the measured value is positive but the correct one is negative |
identity | set of attributes related to an entity |
identity document | physical or digital document issued by an authoritative party containing identifying attributes |
identity information provider | entity that makes available identity information |
inclusivity | capability of a product to be utilized by people of various backgrounds |
indicators of confidence | quantitative, qualitative or descriptive measures that demonstrate how well an age assurance system meets functional, performance, privacy, security and acceptability characteristics |
individual | human being, i.e., a natural person, who acts as a distinct indivisible entity or is considered as such |
intermediary | entity that facilitates the interaction between individuals, age assurance providers, relying parties and other parties to fulfil functions in an age assurance system |
liveness | quality or state of being alive, made evident by anatomical characteristics, involuntary reactions or physiological functions or voluntary reactions or subject behaviours |
liveness detection | measurement and analysis of anatomical characteristics or involuntary or voluntary reactions, in order to determine whether a biometric sample is being captured from a living subject present at the point of capture |
presentation attack | presentation to the age assurance system with the goal of interfering with the operation of the system |
primary credential | document or record from an authoritative party that provides evidence of age associated with the individual |
relying party | entity that relies on an age assurance result to make an age-related eligibility decision |
secondary credential | document or record relating to an individual derived from one or more primary credentials containing an accurate representation of the age of the individual |
successive validation | type of age assurance process where multiple independent age assurance methods are used sequentially to establish an age assurance result |
true negative (TN) | correct measured value in negative results, that is, the case where both the measured and the correct results are negative |
true positive (TP) | correct measured value in positive results, that is, the case where both the measured and the correct results are positive |